What is Card Issuing?

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What is Card Issuing?

Card issuing creates and disseminates payment cards to customers, including Debit, Credit, Prepaid, and Virtual cards. It entails a financial institution, such as a Payment Service Provider, issuing a card to make payments or gaining access to a cardholder’s funds.
The process involves several steps:

  • The card issuer: The financial institution provides the cards to customers.
  • The card network: The company manages the card network, such as Visa or Mastercard.
  • The merchant: This business accepts the cards for payment.
  • The cardholder: The client uses the card to make payments.

How Card Issuing Works

The card issuance process commences when a client submits a card application. The card issuer will then evaluate the application and accept or reject it. Once the application is authorized, the card issuer will provide the customer with a card. The card can then be used to make purchases or access funds. Card issuance is a crucial component of the payment ecosystem. It enables clients to seamlessly make and receive payments from a global market.

The card issuer provides the card, manages the merchant’s account, and deals with any problems that may arise, such as fraud or disputed transactions. He is responsible for ensuring that the card is secure and that the customer’s personal and financial information is protected.

At the heart of card issuing is the card network. A card network is a system that enables financial institutions to communicate with each other when facilitating transactions. When a customer pays with their card, the transaction information is sent to the card network, which then routes the request to the appropriate financial institution. This process takes a few seconds for the transaction to be processed promptly and securely.

Overview of the Card Issuing Industry

The card issuing industry is highly competitive. The industry is also subject to several regulations designed to protect consumers and assure card transaction security. The card industry is a significant contributor to economic expansion; it’s also a major source of innovation, with new card products and services being developed.

The following trends are currently influencing the card-issuing industry:

  • The increasing prevalence of contactless payments is gaining popularity because they are more convenient and secure than chip-and-PIN transactions.
  • Mobile payments are also gaining in popularity, enabling consumers to pay using their devices.
  • The increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI): AI is being used by card issuers to improve fraud detection and prevention and personalize the customer experience.
  • The growing importance of data security: Data security is becoming increasingly important for card issuers as criminals are becoming more sophisticated in their attacks.
  • The card issuing industry is a dynamic and rapidly changing industry. The industry is constantly evolving to meet the needs of consumers and merchants. As the industry expands, innovation and transformation are likely to increase.

What is a Card Issuer

A card issuer refers to a financial institution that provides payment cards to customers and businesses, including credit cards, debit cards, prepaid cards, and virtual cards. Its role encompasses facilitating electronic transactions and delivering financial services to cardholders. By issuing payment cards, the card issuer empowers individuals and businesses with access to electronic payment systems, enabling them to conduct purchases, manage funds, and engage in various financial activities.

Such services contribute to the growth of the digital economy and enhance the convenience and flexibility of financial transactions for cardholders. The card issuer plays a pivotal role in enabling secure and convenient payments, facilitating financial inclusion, and driving the advancement of electronic payment systems.

Types Of Cards we Offer


A debit card is a payment card that enables electronic transactions by drawing funds directly from a bank account. It is issued by a financial institution, typically a PSP, as a convenient alternative to carrying cash to its clients. When a debit card is used to make a payment, the corresponding amount is promptly deducted from the cardholder’s available balance or checking account, thereby reducing the available funds.

Debit cards are typically linked to a specific bank account and can be used at various point-of-sale (POS) terminals, such as those found in retail stores, restaurants, and online merchants. Debit cards can also be used to access funds from automated teller machines (ATMs), where cardholders can access their funds around the clock.


A credit card is a payment card issued by a financial institution that grants access to funds up to a predetermined limit. It offers the cardholder a convenient and secure method for making payments or accessing cash. When a credit card is used to make a purchase, the cardholder is essentially borrowing money from the issuing institution. Credit cards contain a magnetic stripe or an embedded microchip that stores account information for the cardholder.

When the card is scanned, inserted into a card reader, or tapped on a contactless payment terminal, this information is used to authorize and process transactions. Some credit cards offer additional security options, such as personal identification numbers (PINs) and biometric authentication.


A prepaid card, also known as a prepaid debit card or prepaid credit card, is a payment card that is loaded in advance with a predetermined quantity of money. A prepaid card does not entail borrowing money or accessing a credit line, unlike traditional credit cards and debit cards, which are linked to a bank account or line of credit. Before using a prepaid card, the cardholder must transfer funds onto the card. This can be accomplished by adding funds directly to the card or by purchasing a fixed-value card. Once the card has been loaded, the cardholder may spend up to the remaining balance. As required, some prepaid cards can be reloaded with additional funds.

Prepaid cards offer numerous benefits. They are a practical alternative to carrying cash and provide some financial control, as spending is limited to the available balance. Those without a bank account or credit history and those who want to establish a budget or manage expenses for specific purposes, such as travel or gift-giving, frequently use prepaid cards.


A virtual card, virtual credit card, or virtual debit card is an electronic payment card with no physical form. Typically issued by financial institutions or Payment Service Providers, it is designed for online or mobile transactions. Unlike traditional physical cards, virtual cards are generated with a unique card number, expiration date, and security code. However, instead of being printed on a tangible card, the card information is stored digitally and accessed via a website, mobile application, or digital wallet.

Virtual cards can be utilized for online, over-the-phone, and mobile payment transactions. Virtual cards offer several advantages. Given that the card information is not tangibly present, it cannot be stolen or copied with the same ease as a physical card, adding a layer of security to online transactions. Virtual cards are also convenient for one-time or limited-use transactions, as they can be generated without the need for physical issuance and can be generated swiftly and easily.

Features of Our Cards

  • Contactless and EMV Chip Technology: Contactless technology enables fast and simple transactions by simply waving or tapping a payment card near a contactless-enabled card reader. EMV Chip Technology is a global standard that replaces the traditional magnetic stripe on payment cards. The card’s embedded microprocessor contains encrypted data and provides a higher level of security than magnetic stripe cards.
  • Multi-currency payments: multi-currency payments refer to a payment card’s capacity to facilitate transactions in multiple currencies. This feature is especially useful for individuals who travel internationally regularly or engage in cross-border transactions.
  • 24/7 Fraud Monitoring: Financial institutions offer real-time monitoring, automated alerts, and fraud monitoring to protect cardholders from fraudulent activity on their accounts. The objective is to detect and prevent fraudulent transactions and identity theft.
  • They are accepted worldwide. The card is globally accepted, which means it can be used for transactions and payments in various countries and locations. It indicates that a global network of card schemes, financial institutions, and payment processors recognize and support the card.
    Brand Your Virtual Card: You customize the design of your card to your liking.
  • 3DS Secure. The “3DS” stands for “3-Domain Secure,” which refers to a protocol by major card networks. 3DS Secure aims to provide an additional layer of protection for transactions by adding an authentication stage during the payment process. When a cardholder purchases online from a merchant that supports 3DS Secure, the card issuer redirects them to a secure page. The cardholder is prompted to input a one-time password or other forms of authentication, such as a fingerprint or a code sent to their registered mobile device, on this page. This additional step verifies the cardholder’s identity and ensures that the individual making the purchase is the card’s legitimate owner.
  • AML and CFT Compliant: AML and CFT stand for Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism, respectively. When a card issuer is described as AML and CFT compliant, the financial institution adheres to regulations and practices designed to prevent money laundering, financing of terrorism, and other illegal activities.
  • Load up to $1M.

The application process for our Payment Cards

  • The client is requested to fill in their particulars:
  • Names, Contact information, Address, location, Country, and City.
  • Proof of identity: ID, Driving License, or Passport
  • Proof of location: Utility bill, Bank letter, Bank statement, Insurance policy, Post Office Balance, and Credit Card Statement (All statements must be from the past three months).

Card Management

Card management is managing cards such as credit cards, debit cards, prepaid cards, and virtual cards with efficiency and effectiveness. It includes obligations such as issuing cards, monitoring card usage, implementing security measures, and providing card-related client support.

  • Card Issuance: This involves giving physical or virtual cards to clients. It entails collecting KYC data and activating the card.
  • Cardholder Communication: Card issuers frequently provide cardholders with vital information, such as modifications to terms and conditions, security alerts, and promotional offers. Card management systems facilitate these communications via multiple channels.
  • Card Activation: Once your card is activated, the next step is loading the card, which can be done through pre-funding.
  • Card Usage Monitoring: Card management systems track card transactions such as purchases, currency withdrawals, and balance inquiries. This assists in identifying any suspicious or fraudulent activity and Money Laundering for effective risk management.

Security and Fraud Prevention

Card security and fraud prevention are measures and techniques to safeguard payment cards and cardholders against unauthorized use, fraudulent activities, and data breaches. The primary objective is to ensure the integrity and secrecy of card information, prevent unauthorized access, and reduce the risk of financial fraud.

Fraud Detection Tools: Employ tools for detecting fraud that analyze transactional data to identify anomalies and potential fraudulent patterns. These tools assist in the early detection and prevention of fraudulent activities.

Education and Awareness: Educate cardholders on card security best practices, such as protecting their PIN, routinely reviewing account statements, and promptly reporting suspicious activity. Raise cardholders’ awareness of prevalent fraud techniques such as phishing, skimming, and social engineering so they can remain vigilant.

Card Personalization: Employ tamper-resistant card features, such as holograms, embedded circuits, and personalized images, to prevent counterfeiting and tampering.

Cardholder Verification: When making purchases or payments, the cardholder will receive an OTP to authorize the transaction.

EMV Chip Technology: Adopt the EMV (Europay, Mastercard, and Visa) chip technology to improve card security. EMV processors provide dynamic authentication for each transaction, making it harder for fraudsters to duplicate and counterfeit cards.

Tokenization: Implementing tokenization replaces sensitive card data (such as the card number) with unique tokens. This reduces the risk of disclosing card information during transactions, making it more difficult for fraudsters to misuse the data.

Compliance and Regulations

PCI DSS: Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard PCI DSS is a global security standard established by major card networks (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and JCB) to safeguard cardholder data during card transactions. To guarantee data security, institutions that handle cardholder data must comply with PCI DSS requirements.

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations are intended to detect and prevent money laundering and other unlawful financial activities. Financial institutions must implement robust AML initiatives, including customer due diligence, transaction monitoring, and suspicious activity reporting.

Know Your Customer KYC regulations seek to prevent identity theft, fraud, money laundering, and terrorism financing. Before issuing cards, financial institutions must collect all KYC and do due diligence.

Cardholder Services and Support

Cardholder services and card support are vital to managing and sustaining a positive client experience.

Customer Service Hotline: Typically, card issuers have a dedicated customer service hotline that cardholders can call with questions, for assistance, or to report missing or stolen cards. The hotline is staffed by trained agents who can assist with account management, billing concerns, transaction disputes, and general card-related inquiries.

Card Replacement: If a card is lost, stolen, or damaged, cardholders can request a replacement card. Card replacement procedures vary by issuer, but typically involve contacting customer service or using an online platform. Some card issuers might charge a replacement fee.

Dispute Resolution: A cardholder can initiate a dispute if they discover an unauthorized or fraudulent transaction on their card statement. Typically, card issuers implement a formal dispute resolution procedure, allowing cardholders to report the transaction, provide supporting documentation, and request a refund or investigation.

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